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An arborist using a pole saw to prune a large, mature maple tree.

Pruning, a.k.a. trimming, is necessary to maintain trees. We are guided by the latest ANSI A300 pruning standards. Whatever concerns you may have about your trees, we can help you by creating specific pruning objectives. We consider a tree's species, condition, failure/risk profile, and time of year, among other factors.

An arborist is attached to tree while cutting a piece of the trunk during a tree removal.

Tree Removal

We specialize in tree removal, especially when it requires creative problem-solving through the use of roped climbing and rigging systems. If you would like to have a tree removed from your property, but have concerns about access and damage from bucket trucks or cranes, consider our low-impact approach.

Closeup of a stump grinder in action.

Stump Grinding

Stump grinding is the best way to remove a stump after tree removal. We have a lightweight and compact grinder that is versatile enough to fit through gates as narrow as 24 inches, and it can be lifted into raised gardens and other difficult areas.

Closeup of a clipboard and form for compiling data during a tree risk assessment.


Tree risk assessment, Tree preservation, Tree selection for landscapes, Tree protection during construction, inventories and management plans, and more. 

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